Inspire, Inform and Influence (Retail Today)

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Inspire, Inform and Influence

By Ross Hancock, Senior Vice President, Gable

Inspire, Inform and Influence (Retail Today) Experiential transformations continue to be a driving force in retail spaces, and digital integration has evolved from being a nicety to a necessity. From big box retailers to car rental service counters and specialty stores of all shapes and sizes, interactive and artistic elements catalyze an emotional connection with consumers and drive bottom-line results.

Contrary to some beliefs, physical retail space is not going anywhere. People still want to gather, interact with products, and have instant gratification by walking out of a store with their purchase. But the vision of the physical space and how consumers interact with that space has dramatically shifted.

Read the full article in Retail Today’s 2023 State of the Retail Industry.

‘Shopping’ is out. ‘Experiencing’ is in. Those who get it and adopt it will stay relevant.

Ross Hancock, Senior Vice President, Gable

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